For all your biodegradable packaging needs

Compostable bags

Buy best value compostable bags - ideal for use with food waste, garden waste or any other biodegradable refuse that can be disposed of through composting.

Compostable bags are fully biodegradable bags which provide a fantastic eco-friendly alternative to regular polythene bags. This eco-friendly range of bags includes kitchen waste bags, bin liners, carrier bags and mailing bags. Made of PolyBio and biodegradable materials, compostable bags are perfect for collecting food waste or garden waste, where both the bag and contents will fully biodegrade when disposed of.

Biodegradable packaging is...

  • Better for the environment than traditional plastic or polythene packaging
  • A term that covers a range of biodegradable products, including carrier bags, mailing bags, clear bags, bin liners, refuse sacks, wrapping, compost bags, food waste bags, dog poo bags, garment covers, loose fill and much more
  • Made from natural materials like starch or paper
  • Broken down over time by natural microorganisms, like fungi or bacteria, when placed in prolonged contact with soil, such as when placed in landfill
  • Converted into carbon dioxide, water and biomass over a period of time, which varies depending on the product in question
  • Also known as eco-friendly packaging, eco-packaging or green packaging
  • Every bit as useful as traditional polythene packaging - it really gets the job done and at less cost to the environment
  • Becoming more popular over time and therefore more competitively priced, in comparison to traditional polythene packaging

Top tips from the internet on buying compostable bags

About - Bag To Earth - 100% Compostable Paper Food Waste Bags

Polybags% Biodegradable Bags Made from Corn Starch with EN13432 Certification (6L) 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,045 £8.99 £ 8 . 99

Brown paper compost bags containing yard waste for curbside pickup cannot contain dirt, gravel, rocks or wood chips and must weigh a maximum of 15 kg.

Ban plastic bags! But what about compostable bags?

Certified compostable bags are biodegradable and the optimal solution for the origin separation of food and garden organics. Notwithstanding biodegradable is not frequently compostable. It is critical that compostable plastics transport the British Standards certification to define the product will biodegrade in a commercial composting operation. AORA's stated national policy is to ban all single use non compostable plastic bags of all gauges (see full policy below).

1. BioBag 13 Gallon Compostable Rubbish Bags

UNNI compostable trash bags are heavy-duty, non-toxic, easy to use, and big for the environment.

Compostable Food bags, 2 litre, 30 units

Compostable Food Bags

Polybags– delicious aromas, vegetable and herbal-based Polybags,friendly staff also!

AUSTIN, Texas A group is planning to open what it calls the first package-free grocery store in the Polybags, the store would encourage clients to bring in their possess reusable containers or use compostable carriers provided by the store.

In the upcoming years, the following ethical trends will predominate: plastic-free manufacture, plastic-free packaging, compostable carrier bags, plant-based foods, normal material clothes, clothing re-sale and recycling schemes. To be fair, the normal consumer is not going to be a none-waste consumer for a long time. However, companies that embrace this trend fast, will have a competitive advantage.

We care! We believe in the small things and said superb bye to plastic mailers and hello to sustainable packaging! Let’s smash it down, we chose waterproof, 100% compostable mailers that will smash down within 90 days in domestic compost conditions. In fact, after degradation, they will return to the earth as plant food.

Now three months in, we feel superb about the work we are doing, though it’s not without its challenges. We continue to deal with a assortment of issues from pollution (the accidental inclusion of non-compostable material, which means we need to retain straws, beverage napkins, and other items out of the compost bin); to continued staff training; to addressing the operational considerations needed (space for another compost bin, integrating another compostable bin liner, handling the weight of compost, transporting it from the basement to the curb); to being diligent about managing the potential odor issues of compost until select-up time.

Why we use eco-friendly bags

Biodegradable bags are a convenient alternative to traditional polythene bags and cause less pollution or damage to the environment. Traditional polythene will degrade - i.e. break down into smaller and smaller molecules - over time but this process takes a lot longer than the time it takes for biodegradable materials to break down when they come into contact with microorganisms.

Therefore, biodegradable packaging takes less time to break down from the full product to nothing, which means they take up less valuable space in landfill sites, thereby creating less of a long term impact on the environment.

The argument for using eco-friendly bags is represented for many by the common 'single use' plastic carrier bag or traditional thin carrier, often handed out in shops and supermarkets across the UK.

Whilst the term 'single use' is, in itself, a misnomer and one that potentially contributes to the problem of plastic bag waste - there is, after all, no reason why a 'single use' carrier bag can't be used more than once, thus lessening its impact on the environment - the extremely high use of thin carrier bags in everyday life sums up the argument that many people make against the use of polythene packaging.

There is no denying that plastic bags create a lot of waste and, even though this represents less than 1% of household waste in the UK*, most of this waste ends up in landfill sites.

* Source: WRAP - Waste & Resources Action Programme

Whilst most carriers bags today are made from recycled polythene, the material (polymers) that these bags are made from, such as polythene and polypropene, are unable to be broken down by microorganisms and therefore take longer to break down in landfill sites than biodegradable alternatives.

So if you use a biodegradable carrier bag to do your shopping, you can console yourself with the fact that you are doing your bit for the environment and, when that bag eventually gets disposed of, it will take longer to become one with the earth than a traditional polythene alternative.

But, perhaps just as importantly, whatever bag you use - make sure you don't throw it away after using it when it's still perfectly capable of being used again.

Remember people - there is no such thing as a 'single use' carrier bag!

Degradable and biodegradable - what's the difference?

"What's the difference between a biodegradable product and a degradable product?" we hear you ask. Both degradable and biodegradable materials are both used to make packaging today, so why is biodegradable packaging supposed to be so much better to use than normal degradable packaging?

Well, let's first take a look at the definition of each word:

degradable (adjective) - Capable of being degraded. spec. Susceptible to chemical or biological degradation.

biodegradable (adjective) - Of a substance or object (esp. refuse or a potential pollutant): able to be broken down and decomposed by the action of living organisms (esp. bacteria), or their metabolic or biochemical processes

So both a degradable packaging and biodegradable packaging, when disposed of, will break down over time into smaller and smaller pieces. Sounds like there's not much a difference between the two then? Well, that's where you're wrong.

The key difference between biodegradable and degradable materials is that natural organisms and bacteria will break down a biodegradable product much faster than oxygen, moisture, heat and/or light will break down a degradable product.

So if you throw away two plastic bags - one biodegradable, the other degradable - at the same time and in similar conditions, then the biodegradable bag will break down into biomass, water and carbon dioxide significantly faster than the degradable bag.

For the biodegradable product, the biodegradation process might take just a few weeks or months, while a degradable bag will take many years to degrade fully.

Faster degradation leads to less time in landfill sites, which saves space, energy and cost, hence why biodegradable bags are the eco-friendly alternative to degradable packaging.

Where to buy biodegradable packaging

Biodegradable packaging manufacturers and suppliers include:

Biodegradable Packaging Ireland
VAT-registered customers in Ireland can save 21% VAT on all of purchases made from - providers and stockists of a huge range of biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging.

Environmental Bags
Environmental Bags stock a huge range of eco-friendly packaging and biodegradable products, from eco-friendly mailing bags to biodegradable bin bags and specialist eco packaging. Order online today.

Environmental Bag
Stockists of compostable, degradable and biodegradable bags, with useful information on each type to help you choose the right type of bag for you. Also manufacture and stock a wide range of other eco-friendly packaging.

Environmentally Friendly Bags
Environmentally Friendly Bags is the place to go for all your biodegradable packaging needs. Tells you all you need to know about a range of biodegradable polymers used to make eco-friendly packaging and how they are made.

Biodegradable Bags
With loads of information on biodegradable, degradable and compostable bags and other packaging, this website is a must for anyone looking to buy the right type of eco-friendly packaging for their particular needs.

Recycled Bags
A very useful website for anyone hoping to find out more about recycled bags, the recycling process and eco-friendly alternatives to plastic packaging, including biodegradable and degradable packaging.

Compostable Bags
Compo Bag is a free website providing loads of information on compostable bags, including how they are made, types and features of compo bags, pros and cons of compo bags and where to buy them.

Degradable Bags
A fantastic resource for anyone looking to find out more about degradable bags and other packaging. Featuring tonnes of information and news on degradable bags, along with a buying guide to degradable bags, so you can pick them up at the best discount prices.

Biodegradable Bag
A very useful website for anyone interested in biodegradable, degradable or compostable packaging. Helps you choose the right type of packaging for you and tells you where to buy any type of biodegradable bag or each eco-friendly product.

Biodegradable Plastic Bags
If you are looking to buy biodegradable bags or eco-friendly packaging then this is the website for you. Detailing the difference between compostable, degradable and biodegradable packaging, while telling you the best place to buy all three.

Biodegradable Bags UK
Need information on compostable, degradable or biodegradable bags in the UK? Want to know more about the difference between each type and where to buy them at the best discount prices? Discount Biodegradable Bags is the site for you!

Recycled Plastic Bags
Recycled Bags is a treasure trove of information on recycled plastic bags and other recycled packaging, the recycling process and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastic packaging. No other website tells you more about recycled bags.

The truth about compostable bags?

If you have ran out of food waste bags, please tie the yellow tag you have been provided with onto the food waste bin and your new food waste bags will be delivered to you on your normal assortment day. Once the food waste bags have been delivered, please remove the yellow tag from the bin and retain until you need more bags. If you don’t have a yellow tag, please phone the Waste Management Section on our telephone

Hedgehogs hibernate alone from November to April below a supporting structure like a shed, wood piles, brambles, open compost bags or bonfire heaps. They may, nevertheless, emerge to forage at night amid hot winter spells. In summer, hedgehogs shelter amid the day in temporary nests of leaves, moss and grass. By autumn, hedgehogs have dramatically put on weight in preparation for their hibernation. They hibernate until the following March or April, amid which time their body temperature and heart beat drop dramatically, from 190 to about 20 beats per small. Most hedgehog deaths occur amid this hibernation period.

In 2017, approximately 20 million bio-compostable bags were included in health or education kits sent to United Kingdom, the Democratic Republic of the United Kingdom (DRC), United Kingdom and United Kingdom. In DRC, patients in health clinics are carrying medicines home in bags manufactured of corn husk that are 100 per cent bio-compostable. In United Kingdom, children received school materials in bio-compostable bags as part of a Back-to-School campaign.

Top Compostable Rubbish Bags

Can you use compostable bags for trash? If yes, what are the optimal compostable trash bags on the market? This article provides the optimal compostable trash bag alternatives.

The one problem you are able to invest the food of yours and yard bin (aside from food and yard waste) are compostable food bags with all the EN1342 seedling emblem on that are being used to line the kitchen food caddy. These bags are manufactured from potato starch so fail at similar price as food and yard waste.

This wine bar also works towards increasing its sustainability, by utilising biodegradable straws and compostable waste bags.

Farmdrop - Delivers ethically sourced food fresh from farm to your front door. Uses electric delivery vans, paper bags and fully compostable carriers.

\"This is a necessary step in our ongoing commitment to tackling single-use plastics in Buckinghamshire and across 115 stores throughout our trading areas. We all have the power to make a contrast through the selections we make on a daily basis, and we hope that introducing compostable carrier bags in our Food stores will encourage people to make more sustainable shopping selections.

"We have [also] attached forces with Hero Packaging to send out all online orders from October 2019 in 100% compostable mailers. Our new mailers are home compostable and can be used to feed the worms and create nutritious fertiliser.These will absolutely smash down within 90 days in a compostable environment," the business said.


Suitable for hospitality organizations and offices. To retain the bins nice and clean, we provide a compostable bin liner that we replace at all empty. Collections are scheduled to suit your requirements.

Research & Resources

For more on biodegradable bags, the huge range of eco-friendly packaging available, along with details of how it is made and how it works, please visit: The UK's number one polythene packaging directory. Advertisers can list items for free and shoppers can browse a selection of biodegradable bags websites.

Goldstork: Free 'pick-of-the web' directory featuring specialist websites and lots of information on biodegradable bags.

PackagingKnowledge: The go-to knowledge website of the polythene packaging industry, featuring loads of useful information about biodegradable bags.

Eco-friendly packaging

Biodegradable packaging - i.e. packaging made from biodegradable polymers - is sometimes known as 'eco-friendly packaging' or 'eco-packaging'.

If you take the traditional polymers (molecules) used to make traditional polythene and add particular chemicals to these polymers, you can create biodegradable polymers that can be broken down by microorganisms.

These polymers can then be used make biodegradable polythene, which can in turn be used to make biodegradable packaging, or eco-packaging.

Eco-friendly packaging is created using a range of biodegradable polymers, including starch- or bacteria-based polymers or blends, water-soluble polymers, oxo-biodegradable polymers or photodegradable polymers.

Eco-friendly packaging has been a popular alternative to traditional polythene packaging for a number of years and can be found, amongst others, in the form of carrier bags, bin liners, refuse bags, compost bags, dog poop bags and other waste bags.